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For years psychologists all over the world, have researched how people learn, and thousands of scientific studies have been conducted to identify the way that people learn and how to teach them. The whole world has an education system for humans based on these scientific studies.

It would seem reasonable to do the same for our animals.

The results of scientific studies of animal behaviour has produced proven information on how and what horses can learn, and how it is best to ethically teach them. We can now train horses efficiently and predominantly without stress using this knowledge. Information on the wastage rates in the horse industry is now regularly published in the press. By imporoving our basic training methods and systems we can reduce this senseless wastage of our equine friends.


At YVRC most of our training is based on Equitation Science. Susan has also trained with some of the most world renowned masters of the equestrian world, such as Nuno Olivera, Franz Meringa, Martin Plewa, Ginny Ling and Christopher Bartle. training_a

As a national dressage judge, EA Technical Delegate for Horse Trials, EA SSTA assessor, an EA General Level I coach and having recently gained her Dip. in Equitation Scienc. Susan is a Riding for Disabled Coach and provides Equine Facilitated Activities and Therapy plus has many years competing, Susan is well qualified and experienced to assist with the training you require. Susan has a passion for training riders with correct independent positions and for all to achieve their personal goals. Practical Ethical Substainable, training for both horses and riders is Susan's aim.



Training programs are tailored to the individual needs of the horses and the riders. These programs are developed after discussion with the owners and/or riders and evaluation of the horse and its history. Please contact us to discuss your individual needs.

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Address Info

138 Manton Road
Manton NSW 2582

Contact details
Mobile: 0402 596 252
Email: [email protected]